What is code snippet?

A small piece of a code in the program is known as a code snippet.


The snippet is a programming term for a small region of re-usable source code, machine code, or text. Ordinarily, these are formally defined operative units to incorporate into larger programming modules. Snippet management is a feature of some text editors, program source code editors, IDEs, and related software.

What is the use of code snippet?

There are lines of code which we write again and again and some code we forget easy and google it. so code snippet is a handy tool to solve this. The code snippet is a built-in feature of xcode.

How to create a code snippet?

  1. Select the lines of codes you want to create a snippet
  2. Right-click and select Create code snippet
  3. Give a name/title to your snippet

To create a Code snippet

How to use code spinnet?

Just type the name/title of your code snippet

How to use the code snippet

Note: - Use shortcut CMD + Shift + L to access the snippet library.